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This is the first time I use Uplay. I've installed Anno and when I try to launch it for the first time, I get a message "Failed to synchronize achivements". What can I do?

Thank you

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Chiral - Direct link

Hiya @Celine76!

Sorry to hear you're getting this error! I'd advise trying the following workaround for this error.

The workaround will overwrite the current cloud save.

1. Open Ubisoft Connect as administrator, click the menu icon at the top left and go to settings.
2. Untick "Enable cloud save synchronisation for supported games"
3. Make backup of savegames - default location C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegames
4. Remove the save file from the original folder.
5. Launch game, play till the game makes an autosave or you manually save. This is approximately 5-10 minutes of gameplay
6. Quit the game, re-enable cloud saves and relaunch the game.
7. Select local save when prompted. Saves should be resynced.

If the issue persists after this, you may need to make a new save to overwrite the cloud save.