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Pope Lucius I, "The Rejuvenator" doesn't provide rum in New World as it doesn't regard the Chapel as a Church. However, Beatific Bishopess, who affects all churches, does affect the Chapel too, increasing its Attractiveness by 7 points (and its range).
Moreso, Pope Lucius doesn't have any impact on working conditions; it should have a -50%. Therefore, some increase in happiness resulted from working conditions from 0 to whatever should be observed. This also happens in the Old World: happiness from working conditions stays the same.
He does however increase the overall happiness by 10 in both worlds.
These issues were observed even before update 15.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey there guys,

Thanks for sharing your findings @Synchronos357 and @Macs1209 - appreciate it!

@blendmode - regarding the Working Conditions, could you please share a screenshot / video of your current setup and we can check with the team if this is working as intended.

Thank you!