Original Post — Direct link
Hi . Greetings from Turkey

I bought Season pass 1 and 2 Anno 1800 from Epic Games. Dlcs looks like I bought Epic Games. But Doesn't like Uplay.
We couldn't find a solution with epic games. Please help.

over 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by dh00m2
Hi . Greetings from Turkey

I bought Season pass 1 and 2 Anno 1800 from Epic Games. Dlcs looks like I bought Epic Games. But Doesn't like Uplay.
We couldn't find a solution with epic games. Please help.

Hey! I tried viewing your images but I don't have immediate viewing permissions. Would it be possible to enable view access to everyone, or perhaps add the images into your forum thread directly?

Please also describe the issue in your own words. What issue are you facing with your Season Passes?