Love this game! Wanted to do my small part to help make it better by reporting what from my perspective appears to be three "bugs". If this is the wrong place to do that, or if screenshots/save games are required, please let me know:
1) At the beginning of every sandbox game I play, Aarhant tells me that the first thing I need to do is build a trading post. He tells me this in the quest dialog, as well as on the game screen itself--in the case of the latter, there is a dialog box with his face on the game play screen (not the quest dialog). All this is normal. What is not normal, is that the on screen dialog box follows an NPC ship around. I would think it should be following my ship around, not an NPC ship. And because the dialog follows the NPC ship, I can see where the NPC ship is going even though it's hidden by clouds in an area I haven't explored yet.
2) When doing the campaign for the first time, I was guessing I'd have to go to war with Edvard at some point and attack Bright Sands. To get ready for that I settled a small island very close to the main trading post on Bright Sands. I thought this would be a good staging point for a future attack, and a good place to put cranes, cannon towers and a shipyard. The campaign obviously goes in a different direction and you end up having to battle the Pyphorians, and at some point a large Pyphorian navy appears off the coast of Bright Sands. What happened for me is that the cannon towers I set up at my small island starting attacking this huge Phyphorian navy the moment they appeared. One by one, the cannon towers destroyed every Pyphorian ship in their range, leaving only 3 ships! The Pyphorian ships under attack just sat there taking the hits--they didn't move, they didn't counter attack, they just got slowly destroyed one by one. Presumably the campaign program only has the Phyporian ships programmed to move once I send a navy close by. It was a bit ungratifying for my cannon towers to obliterate this huge Pyphorian navy without them fighting back, or moving to safety at least. I think AI ships under attack shouldn't just sit there and take it, they should fight back, or at least move to safety. I would consider it a bug that ships under attack don't move to safety or fight back. My preference would be that the ships fight back or move to safety. However if that's a complicated thing to code into the game, perhaps a solution would be to instead code a condition such that in the random generation of the islands in the campaign, no buildable harbor tiles (on which a cannon tower can be placed) will appear within range of where the Pyphorian navy will eventually appear.
3) While playing the campaign on expert, I took over a small island on the other side of the old world, just to see what goody items might be sitting in the trading post. I grabbed the items and left. I didn't care about the island and didn't settle it. At some point into my 10 hour game, the NPC came back to take the island over. And since I didn't care about it, I let them. But then I got the DEFEAT screen! This was unexpected and disappointing. I understand getting a DEFEAT screen if you lose Ditchwater, or La Isla, or Prosperity. But I don't think losing an island that isn't relevant to the campaign storyline should cause a DEFEAT screen. But if losing ANY island is going to cause DEFEAT, not just one of the 3 islands pertinent to the campaign storyline, I think that should be made more clear to the player so they can plan accordingly. Because I didn't know that losing such an island would result in DEFEAT, I felt like I lose unfairly--like the rules weren't made clear to me.
Love the game, keep up the good work!
1) At the beginning of every sandbox game I play, Aarhant tells me that the first thing I need to do is build a trading post. He tells me this in the quest dialog, as well as on the game screen itself--in the case of the latter, there is a dialog box with his face on the game play screen (not the quest dialog). All this is normal. What is not normal, is that the on screen dialog box follows an NPC ship around. I would think it should be following my ship around, not an NPC ship. And because the dialog follows the NPC ship, I can see where the NPC ship is going even though it's hidden by clouds in an area I haven't explored yet.
2) When doing the campaign for the first time, I was guessing I'd have to go to war with Edvard at some point and attack Bright Sands. To get ready for that I settled a small island very close to the main trading post on Bright Sands. I thought this would be a good staging point for a future attack, and a good place to put cranes, cannon towers and a shipyard. The campaign obviously goes in a different direction and you end up having to battle the Pyphorians, and at some point a large Pyphorian navy appears off the coast of Bright Sands. What happened for me is that the cannon towers I set up at my small island starting attacking this huge Phyphorian navy the moment they appeared. One by one, the cannon towers destroyed every Pyphorian ship in their range, leaving only 3 ships! The Pyphorian ships under attack just sat there taking the hits--they didn't move, they didn't counter attack, they just got slowly destroyed one by one. Presumably the campaign program only has the Phyporian ships programmed to move once I send a navy close by. It was a bit ungratifying for my cannon towers to obliterate this huge Pyphorian navy without them fighting back, or moving to safety at least. I think AI ships under attack shouldn't just sit there and take it, they should fight back, or at least move to safety. I would consider it a bug that ships under attack don't move to safety or fight back. My preference would be that the ships fight back or move to safety. However if that's a complicated thing to code into the game, perhaps a solution would be to instead code a condition such that in the random generation of the islands in the campaign, no buildable harbor tiles (on which a cannon tower can be placed) will appear within range of where the Pyphorian navy will eventually appear.
3) While playing the campaign on expert, I took over a small island on the other side of the old world, just to see what goody items might be sitting in the trading post. I grabbed the items and left. I didn't care about the island and didn't settle it. At some point into my 10 hour game, the NPC came back to take the island over. And since I didn't care about it, I let them. But then I got the DEFEAT screen! This was unexpected and disappointing. I understand getting a DEFEAT screen if you lose Ditchwater, or La Isla, or Prosperity. But I don't think losing an island that isn't relevant to the campaign storyline should cause a DEFEAT screen. But if losing ANY island is going to cause DEFEAT, not just one of the 3 islands pertinent to the campaign storyline, I think that should be made more clear to the player so they can plan accordingly. Because I didn't know that losing such an island would result in DEFEAT, I felt like I lose unfairly--like the rules weren't made clear to me.
Love the game, keep up the good work!