Original Post — Direct link

cannot enter to Multiplayer game menu, even though 3 days ago it was possible. Now it sates that matchmaking is unavailable and NAT is unknown. 18000 port forwarding does not help, firewall is disabled.
Can someone please help?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @NINeOne0ne thanks for reaching out to us about the multiplayer mode and for letting us know what ports you have forwaded.

I have checked our Anno servers, they are online at the moment and you can check this yourself here as well, by looking for the 'connectivity and performance' box on our help page > https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/help/game/anno-1800

We discovered it was not possible to play Anno 1800 online, if you are set to invisible or offline in your game launcher. Would you please check the Ubisoft Connect launcher to make sure you show as available?

After checking you show online, please check our connectivity guide, to see if there are any troubleshooting steps you have yet to try to resolve this >

Should both these steps not work for you please let us know and we will create a support ticket for you for further investigation!