Original Post — Direct link
I had a problem launching Anno 1800 and I found a fix for myself after 2days of relentless internet search so I thought I might share it with everyone.

When I first installed Anno 1800 I got the message saying that I do not have mfreadwrite.dll.

My mistake was downloading this .dll file separately.


Download Windows Media Features from the internet according to your Windows version and install it.

Mine was Windows Pro N version 20H2, (The latest update so far) and I cannot download it from the web as there is no Windows Media Features available for download for that particular windows version.

If this is the case, go to:

Settings > Apps > Apps and Features > Optional Features > Add a Feature and find the Media Feature Pack in the list of available Optional Features and do a reboot.

This fixed the issue for me and I hope it does the same for everyone suffering from this issue.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Hey minhogu0826, thank you very much for sharing this with everyone and hopefully whoever runs into the same issue will find these steps useful .