Original Post — Direct link
I bought Anno 1800 today and installed it, but the when I opened the game its language is set in Russian and doesnt let me choose any other languages as if they dont exist I tried to change it in Properties section on app but it also appears as Russian only.
Is there any way to fix this please?
over 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by Exsoticx
I bought Anno 1800 today and installed it, but the when I opened the game its language is set in Russian and doesnt let me choose any other languages as if they dont exist I tried to change it in Properties section on app but it also appears as Russian only.
Is there any way to fix this please?
Hello there,

Titles purchased from the international store for Russia and it's surrounding countries, will only be available in Russian only.

At the moment, it isn't possible to add additional languages and warnings are in place on the Store before purchasing.

If you wish to discuss this further, please contact us through our Support Site or Facebook and Twitter

Thank you!