Original Post — Direct link
Friends I hope I may be able to help you as I have found a way to get the game to boot.

In the last few days I've posted on a number of threads regarding this issue, namely:

I've since reinstalled Anno, and that worked for the first boot. Second boot however the game returned to crashing before the splash screen.

I've noticed if you force Windows to focus on something else after you've hit play, the game will boot in the background.

For example; hit play but then start browsing Chrome. The taskbar will eventually flash at you and you'll hear the hissing engine noises from the intro splash.

I just wanted to share this in case it helps anyone else. I'm running DX12.
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link
Hey, SuicidalEw0k!

Sorry to hear that you are having this issue. Can you try running DX11 as suggested by Asterix201252 and let us know if it does not work.

Thank you.