Original Post — Direct link

I bought the DLC but its not loading in game, its still saying i need to buy the game.

I try again to buy using the browser pop up thru the Ubisoft overlay, when I click on the DLC, it just loads the base game instead of the actual dlc. I confirmed this is only happening for the new dlc as when i tried loading and purchasing a couple of cosmetics packs, they went thru immediately and the game registered the purchase.

Has anyone else experience this issue?

Hopefully Ubisoft fixes this issue soon, as Anno is the only reason why I have to put up with their buggy platform.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-LadyBlue - Direct link

Hello @adiantoprahardi, @LootSoldat, and @noAim-zEro,

Just to rule something out and to make sure everything is in order, please go ahead and verify your files for me. I've included how to do this for each launcher below to try to make things a little more convenient.

Pending that not working, could I have you create a support case with images showing it owned in Steam but not in Ubisoft Connect, then let me know once you've done so? I'd like to go ahead and get this reported so we can get it looked into.

Thank you all and I'm sorry for the frustration this is causing!