Original Post — Direct link

Hi There,

I've installed Anno 1800, a few days ago, and i've played the game.
Only since yesterday my PC is updating windows and now the game is not working.

I've tried to un-install the game end install the game again but it doenst work.
The game will start and shows a black screen with a loading logo.
After that the black screen disappeared and i will be back at windows without a crash report or something.

The game has worked and now it doesn't.

Can someone help my with this problem?

about 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @Sanduwr2, sorry to see you're running into some crashing issues.

First, a smaller Windows update released very recently that may resolve the issue for you! This update is labeled as build 19045.2486. Make sure you have this build installed.

After installing that update, I would suggest running through our basic troubleshooting guide before you try to start the game up again, just to ensure there are no damaged installation files.

Please let me know if the game is still crashing for you at this point.