Hi all,
I spend a good time trying to figure out what the problem is, but couldn't resolve. More than happy to share dxdiag and other stuff if needed.
Running Windows 10 with AMD 5 3600x, MSI 2070 SUper and 16 GB Ram and 350GB left space on teh SSD teh game is installed.
I got Anno via the Subscription of Ubisoft Connect. It seems, that the game crahes everytime it would like to sync to Ubisoft servers.
I tried a couple of things, like deleting savegames, disabling all options in Ubisoft Connect, like disableing Cloud Sync and overlay -Still crahes.
Tried in DX 11 and 12, deinstalled all my antivir and other stuff, like Steam. Deinstalled and Reinstalled it - Still crahes
Installed the new Version of the Visual Builder thing, increased virtual Memery and let Windows manage it - Still crahes
I think it crahes everytime the game wants to connect with Ubisoft Servers, because it crahes everytime to desktop when it sync cloud save games if that is enabled :/
I wanted to open a support ticket, but you can't.
Any more suggestions welcome
Thanks a lot.
I spend a good time trying to figure out what the problem is, but couldn't resolve. More than happy to share dxdiag and other stuff if needed.
Running Windows 10 with AMD 5 3600x, MSI 2070 SUper and 16 GB Ram and 350GB left space on teh SSD teh game is installed.
I got Anno via the Subscription of Ubisoft Connect. It seems, that the game crahes everytime it would like to sync to Ubisoft servers.
I tried a couple of things, like deleting savegames, disabling all options in Ubisoft Connect, like disableing Cloud Sync and overlay -Still crahes.
Tried in DX 11 and 12, deinstalled all my antivir and other stuff, like Steam. Deinstalled and Reinstalled it - Still crahes
Installed the new Version of the Visual Builder thing, increased virtual Memery and let Windows manage it - Still crahes
I think it crahes everytime the game wants to connect with Ubisoft Servers, because it crahes everytime to desktop when it sync cloud save games if that is enabled :/
I wanted to open a support ticket, but you can't.
Any more suggestions welcome

Thanks a lot.