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I'm sure Princess Qing could write a haiku about the sadness felt upon discovering the new hacienda residences are sloped like ornaments, rather than level like other buildings like the hacienda building itself which is pleasingly level.

Slightly pedantic I know, but sloping ornaments and exhibit plots in the cultural buildings is why I often try to avoid looking at cities from a certain point of view - it triggers an uncanny valley of gravity defying fountains and buildings that look like they are not constructed quite right...

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Thank you for reporting this to us @queglar , I can certainly see what you mean!

I've passed this onto the game team so they can take a closer look into this.

If we need any more information or if we have any updates, we'll let you know here.

And of course if you have any other questions for us, please let us know!