Original Post — Direct link

The Additional Old World Building Skin Menu seems to display "invisibly" over the Lifestyle Good List. The Mail goods are most affected to the point where I can't even enable Regional Mail. It affects all Residences, Old World, New, etc... It occurs after Clicking the Skin option during a playthrough. Restarting the game seems to fix the issue, but it comes right back if I use the skin customization. No Mods, All DLC Enabled.

Screenshot below. Mouse does not show, but it's over the Regional Mail Icon. Clicking does not enable and the tooltip for the Brick Skin displays. I can enable Local and International Mail by moving my mouse to the extreme left and right of the icons respectively. Does same thing over Lifestyle options in other Regions.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Perseids - Direct link

@AlpineKitty @Bella_Amor Hey everybody! Welcome to Discussions!

I'm sorry that you're both having this issue and aren't able to enable Regional Mail due to the Building Skin menu displaying over the Lifestyle menu. Please go through our troubleshooting guide here, and be sure to verify your game files as well.

Let me know if this helps! If you continue to have this issue, could you let me know when you first noticed this issue began? Thank you!