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I tried to reply individually to people who were having this problem but it flagged it as spam? So I'll just make a whole new post and hope that works. I literally made this account just to help people with this problem so I'm not sure how to use the forums properly but anyway, here's the solution.

  1. Make sure you are under level 300 (I was level 250)
  2. Make sure you have fire resistance skills disabled in your skill tree (these are scattered around in the red bear part)
  3. Make sure you have the Missile Reversal skill in your skill tree (In the yellow raven part right at the bottom, just left of the bottom blue wolf part)
  4. Travel to Werham, in the South of Hamtunscire
  5. Make a manual save (just in case you mess something up)
  6. At the north of Werham (by the gate) are two shield bearers. Just behind them is a random enemy (this enemy is not important for the trophy) stood underneath a stall with a straw roof. Just behind that is a third shield bearer. There is a fourth shield bearer by the church in Werham.
  7. Stand on top of the stall with the straw roof mentioned earlier (with the enemy underneath) and shoot one of the shield bearers with your bow to trigger combat (if you are not already in combat - DO NOT KILL THE SHIELD BEARERS YET)
  8. Set the roof you're stood on, on fire with a torch (sometimes shield bearers will throw fire which will work too). This should constantly set you on fire.
  9. DO NOT SHOOT ANY ENEMIES. Instead, wait for the shield bearers to launch their spears at you, and when the spear gets close, use missile reversal to kill them. This should one shot them, or get them very low.
  10. Use missile reversal to kill the two shield bearers at the gate, and the third shield bearer close by. DO NOT LEAVE THE ROOF - standing on the roof means you're constantly on fire when killing the enemies.
  11. STAY IN COMBAT, DO NOT GO ANONYMOUS. Go to the church (it doesn't matter if you're no longer on fire at this point) and kill the fourth shield bearer near it, using the same method (stand on a straw roof, set it on fire/set yourself on fire, use missile reversal to kill the shield bearer).
  12. Travel to Fearnhamme. It is to the East of Hamtunscire. (I fast travelled to the fast travel point just north of Fearnhamme and then travelled by horse to reach it)
  13. There will be a group of enemies in Fearnhamme, including one shield bearer. Stand on a nearby straw roof, and repeat what you did for the previous enemies (stand on the fire roof, then use missile reversal to kill the shield bearer).
  14. The trophy/achievement should unlock after this. 

On PS4/PS5, missile reversal works by pressing L1 when the spear flung at you gets close, not sure what it is for other controllers/keyboards or whatever. I spent 2 hours trying to get this trophy and it was so frustrating when I did everything right. So when I followed this method and it worked, I knew I had to tell everyone.

Some of the steps might not be necessary (such as disabling fire resistance skills) but I did all the steps and they all worked so I just wrote down everything I did just in case.

Hope this helps! 🙂

about 4 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Thanks for taking the time to share this, @bobtobobb5397! I'm glad to see that this has helped other players to unlock the achievement 😄 I'll share this with the team!

@chrisbaker1972 - The development team are aware of the floating key in Jotunheim and are currently investigating this further. We've had a report that player was able to collect the key by shooting at the key from the other side of the river, between 2 rocks. You could give this a go and see if that works for you!

about 4 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Thanks for taking the time to share this, @bobtobobb5397! I'm glad to see that this has helped other players to unlock the achievement 😄 I'll share this with the team!

@chrisbaker1972 - The development team are aware of the floating key in Jotunheim and are currently investigating this further. We've had a report that player was able to collect the key by shooting at the key from the other side of the river, between 2 rocks. You could give this a go and see if that works for you!

about 4 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Thanks for taking the time to share this, @bobtobobb5397! I'm glad to see that this has helped other players to unlock the achievement 😄 I'll share this with the team!

@chrisbaker1972 - The development team are aware of the floating key in Jotunheim and are currently investigating this further. We've had a report that player was able to collect the key by shooting at the key from the other side of the river, between 2 rocks. You could give this a go and see if that works for you!

about 4 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

I'm glad to hear that this workaround helped you out, @anjuicy_! Thanks for sharing 😊

about 4 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

I'm glad to hear that this workaround helped you out, @anjuicy_! Thanks for sharing 😊

about 4 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

I'm glad to hear that this workaround helped you out, @anjuicy_! Thanks for sharing 😊

about 4 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hey there @chrisbaker1972!

Thanks for the update! I'm sorry to hear that this workaround hasn't been successful for you. I'll pass this information on.

I can see that the development team are still looking into this issue further. At this moment in time, I have no further information to share on the status of the investigation. I'd recommend keeping an eye out within our News & Announcements forum for future updates.

Thank you!

about 4 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hey there @chrisbaker1972!

Thanks for the update! I'm sorry to hear that this workaround hasn't been successful for you. I'll pass this information on.

I can see that the development team are still looking into this issue further. At this moment in time, I have no further information to share on the status of the investigation. I'd recommend keeping an eye out within our News & Announcements forum for future updates.

Thank you!

about 4 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hey there @chrisbaker1972!

Thanks for the update! I'm sorry to hear that this workaround hasn't been successful for you. I'll pass this information on.

I can see that the development team are still looking into this issue further. At this moment in time, I have no further information to share on the status of the investigation. I'd recommend keeping an eye out within our News & Announcements forum for future updates.

Thank you!

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Thanks for sharing your experience in completing "Overdesign II," @Tazz_BG! I hope these tips can help other players who are having trouble completing this challenge 😄