Original Post — Direct link

All three tiers of burning effect are active all at once.

  1. When ship with 2/3 burning is attacked with flamethrower, instead of refreshing it back to 1/3, it applies 1/3 in tandem with current tier.
  2. During prolonged fire exchange, all 3 tiers were applied reducing both ship DPS and ship movement speed to 0. (although it could still move with ~50% speed, its reload speed in fact dropped to around 1-10% of base value)

Don't have video of this particular encounter.
Savegame was lost in time, as it was a long session. It should be easy one to recreate/investigate though.
No mods were used.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @Eilandeien

I have reported this up to our Team, and will let you know once we have any updates! It is possible this is working as intended, and if the team lets me know one way or the other for sure, I will share that info with you.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, either way!