Original Post — Direct link

I completed the mission: The Confrontation (The Old World, Hannah Goode) and skipped the cutscene, after the update.
Now mission justicia does not start, there is no mission in de quest form and there is no Court of Justice: Foundations on the map, still only rocks.
Going to a previous save game is no option hence i already played over 20 hours building in Cape Trelawney.

pls fix

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @S____man thank you for getting in touch with us and sorry for the delay in getting back to you,

Do you happen to have a save file or a video clip that we can gather from you, so we can ask our Anno team to look into this? Just so we know if this is an isolated incident or if we are able to replicate this.

You can find out how to gather these details for us by checking our bug reporting post here > https://discussions.ubisoft.com/topic/110789/how-to-report-a-bug-in-anno-1800/1?lang=en-US