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Some lifestyle are unbalanced, no powerful benefits yet it's had a downsides. 

When you look at photo I had posted it, you can see there is farmer lifestyle that need flour, in patch 15, it's only gave you 1 more farmer and one gold, it's was only need 2 grain farm and one flour mill. But this time in patch 16, farmer only gave one more farmer but no gold, and now it's need 4 more grain farm and 2 flour mill to keep those lifestyle, if I stop those 4 grain farm and 2 flour mill, turn off, it's only same thing 100 farm population, this is for 1,100 farmer population during early of game in a campaign, not only you don't get any more farmer population at all since it's same thing without it. You are losing precious space on island, 4 grain farm and 2 flour mill take lot of space already, and you paid more, that is downside without powerful benefits for farmer at least, I had not test other lifestyle but for flour mill, it's something wrong. It's had higher unreasonable higher demand much more in patch 16 than patch 15 where it's only need less grain farm. This had to be oversight and it's bug, very unplayable for lifestyle need. It's not working as intended. I don't use mod.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Heya @Humility925 , @SerikaG and @Synchronos357 - great to see this discussion around lifestyle bonus mechanics! It sounds like we mostly think this is working as intended, so I'm considering it feedback and moving it to General Discussions. Feel free to continue discussing it!