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synthetic chemist is the only item that gives a productivity of below -50%
thus, negative productivity is possibly if working conditions are set to below -10% (or any item combination to that effect; but there is CURRENTLY only 1 such item -- in addition to synthetic chemist -- that affects fertilizer works, for -10% productivity)
for example: productivity is -40% -- the sum of -90% (synthetic chemist) and -50% (working conditions)... except there is no below 0%

and there is of course also the old bug where change of workforce type allows setting working conditions to +50% WITHOUT affecting happiness: jornaleros -- correctly -- have affected workforce of 0; however, obreros are NOT affected either... so basically free productivity with no penalties

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Ciel - Direct link

Hey @hundreAd1800,

I understand an item has given you a negative production stat. So we can better understand the situation and forward it to the dev team, could you let us know if you're using mods of any kind for Anno 1800?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Ciel - Direct link

Hey @hundreAd1800,

Thanks for getting back to us with this information. I have forwarded it to the dev team for investigation. Should they need any more information regarding this, I will get back to you 😊