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Ive completed the Sunken Treasure quest and got the sceptre, however when I equip it in my museum there's fireworks 24/7 now.

like it was nice to have it for the first 30 seconds, but now I'm sick of it.

Any way I can disable this?
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Shikallum - Direct link
Hey IIAc3sII,

I don't believe there is a way to stop the fireworks, however I have sent this on as feedback to the team on my end
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Shikallum - Direct link
Hey IIAc3sII,

I don't believe there is a way to stop the fireworks, however I have sent this on as feedback to the team on my end
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hello IIAc3sII, thank you for getting back to us.

Regarding the completion of the Sunken Treasure DLC, are you able to send us a save file of your game, which has the three quest items in your inventory still? You can send us this save file via our support website here, by attaching them to a new case - https://support.ubisoft.com/en-GB/Cases/New

Have you been able to place these items back in your harbour or any over storage facility, instead of leaving them in the ocean where they will not de-spawn?