Original Post — Direct link

Hi, I'm a Chinese player and I‘ve noticed some translation errors that are ambiguous for new players. I have sorted out some of the errors here, hoping you can consider correcting them. 🙂

  • [ITEM] Actor: "affects all Old World residences" is translated into "affects one single Old World residence". The word "all" should match "所有" in Chinese.
  • [SET] Great Desert & Medicinal: The property "Range" is translated into "Unit Moving Speed".
  • [Scenario] Items with "Limited Use" are designed to be used only in current trail, while those with "Persistent" can also be used in subsequent trail. So IMO translate them into "仅本次可用" and "可重复使用" respectively will be easier to understand than word-for-word translation.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Peach - Direct link

Hi @carysam! Thanks for bringing this to our attention! I am going to be sending this up as feedback to the appropriate team for review. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns. 🙂