Original Post — Direct link
Multiple items in my game are not increasing the output of affected buildings either at all, or at the incorrect rate from what I can tell. The production buildings register the affect, in the icons and percentage production, but the output does not increase as expected.

As an example: ForkTuN8 Mk.3 (+35% Productivity) applied to 6 x Vineyards, increases total output from 12 > 13.

I have noticed similar reductions in increases to tobacco fields.

Am I misunderstanding or should this give more of an increase?
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link
Hey, Jaikon.!

There is currently no workaround for this issue but our team is currently looking into that issue.

Please keep an eye on our forums and the Anno Union ( https://www.anno-union.com/en/ ) for all future updates and patch notes.