Original Post — Direct link
I recently decided to purchase the game after playing it as a member on Ubisoft Platform. HOWEVER, even though my game states I already have the various DLC's installed they are not available in game. I can certainly see for example a SILO, but it wont allow me to place one? Which DLC's are standard with this game and where do you actually purchase more DLC?
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Hey Jamin-Josh, thanks for getting in touch!

I've had a look at your account and I see what you're referring to.

You have a Standard Edition of the game, which just as chris02918 suggested, does not include any DLC's at all. I can also see that you previously had subscription on your account and that will give you access to Complete Edition of the game, which gives you access to different content (click here to find out more).

If you wish to purchase any additional content for the game, you can search for it either in Ubisoft Connect launcher in 'Store' tab or alternatively you can also visit our web-store.

Hope this helps! Should you have any further questions, let us know!