Original Post — Direct link
After update 8 I have problem when open expedition window in the first time. It takes me about 1 min on HDD and ~3-5sec on SSD m2.
It is very strange that in the video this lag does not last one minute. But in fact it is!

When I open it window second time, I not have this issue.

My specs:
Windows 10 x64
8 Gb RAM 2400 Ghz
GTX 1050 TI
Installed on HDD (WD Black)

My specs of second computer:
Windows 10 x64
16 Gb RAM 2400 Ghz
RTX 2080
Installed on SSD m2 (Samsung)

It is happens on any graphic settings.

Video with Lag (In real it takes 1 minute):

Video without lag:
over 4 years ago - UbiExcellent - Direct link
S_Kleer: Thanks for reporting this difference you've noticed between loading times. This is a common occurrence when comparing HDDs to SSDs. However, I recommend going through our basic troubleshooting guide to optimize your PC's performance and speed up these loading times.