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I believe the screenshot tells it all. The update today seems to have introduced a glitch in the diplomacy screen graphics, where the treaty remaining time counter isn't a circle any more. Seems to happen only on the 3840x2160 resolution, and regardless of the graphics quality settings. My GPU drivers are up-to-date and I have verified the game files.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @Synchronos357 and @blendmode

I'm going to go ahead and get this reported up, but can both of you answer a few questions for me?

First of all, do either of you have any mods installed? If so, our team will want to test the same setup that you have, along with a modless setup to see if we can recreate the issue.

After that, you said this is only happening in 3840x2160, did you test 2560×1440, and if so, can you take a screenshot of the same menu at that resolution?

Are you both playing in Fullscreen, Windowed Mode, or Borderless Windowed mode?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @Synchronos357 and @blendmode

It looks like we were able to recreate this in testing, I'm going to include a few more details from these posts! No guarantees about a fix coming out anytime soon, but keep an eye on the announcements page for patch announcements!