Original Post — Direct link

As you see in the first Image I have Water Purifier, Forester, Aquafarm, slots in the menu, I can buy them at the Yaosca's harbour cost a lot in resources that I didn't have at this time the second image shows missing menu.

As you see in this image below the missing menu slots! Why! You can see I have a Forester hut, & two Aquafarms I built them last night and first part of the dam just before I save the game last night without cloud and was going to build my second Water purifier today when I loaded my save game, but as you can see at the top of the image the water purifier next to the fishery but I can't build it, so I reloaded an old save to check but no luck and even went back just before I started building the dam and it is still missing!. Wow!. Is there a timer in this menu or what?. This has happen two times to me the first time I played it on the day Eden got released the menu slots was missing after a save game with cloud so had to restart the game again this time I didn't save to cloud and still didn't work I hope Ubisoft release a patch for this menu bug soon. I have waste many hours and time over this Bug after a save. and yes I have verify my files and no change was made.

Here is one of the water purifier but with slots missing

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey there @AORUS2017 ,

Sorry for our delay in getting back to you, thanks for reaching out and reporting this to us!

I've passed your report and images onto the team for them to investigate this further as this doesn't appear to have been noted yet.

If we need any more information, we'll let you know here so please keep an eye out!

And of course if you find this happening with any other building types, please let us know!