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I recentlly started a new campaign and almost complete all mission except DLC1 & season 3.While i start playing the sunken treasure mission line, mission stopped after dilivering Nadasky's Journal.

After the bug happened, i roll back my save data and succeed to find where the bug triggers, but i dont know what exactly trigger this bug.The only difference i can see between two savedatas is the one which can not start mission has settled on another island on trelawney.

Noticed: i do use some mods, but i dont think it's the mods' problem since after bugs happened.I tried to remove mods but the mission wont start either.And i also use some cheats (mainly change the quantity of goods) to locate bug quicker, but i didnt cheat in normal gameplay.

Anyway i will leave the log file, video,mod, setting file and the save files to you guys.Including two savedata and my personal account data and the mods i use.You can find them here : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HEGiskMHhpqipp4olFnCCpj5_FcbyBLl/view?usp=sharing: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HEGiskMHhpqipp4olFnCCpj5_FcbyBLl/view?usp=sharing)

And here's a small video describes bug: https://imgur.com/ZomZUwO

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Hey there @SerikaG , thanks for reaching out!

I understand you're having trouble with Nadasky's Journal. Sorry about this 😞 I'm glad you've got in touch.

I can see our teams had been investigating an issue with the journal way back in 2020 caused by creating two journals, but this was fixed. We've had no other reports of any issues since then. Can you run through the steps in the troubleshooting guide for me? In particular from the guide, please make sure you are running the game with administrator rights, you've verified the game files, you've got Windows fully updated, and you don't have any background programs which could interfere with the game. 

If the issue persists, then even with the modifications deactivated, it's likely that they have caused the issue by being active earlier in the save file. If you happen to start a fresh save file and get back to the same spot, and encounter the error again, please let me know - we'd certainly like to investigate further in that case! Let me know if you've any questions about this at all 🙂