Original Post — Direct link

Hey Anno Team!

Same Trade Union items affecting Hacienda (main building) and Hacienda Storeroom, are also affecting Hacienda Jornalero and Obrera Quarters, not producing any effect as the bonuses don't apply to residences. Follows a screenshot of the item set. As I mentioned, these same items are also the only ones affecting Hacienda and Hacienda Storeroom, although the three "Forktun8" Nate items increase productivity, which doesn't bring any benefit to either Hacienda nor Hacienda Storeroom:

Let me know if you need other info/data. I was able to encounter the issue also after verifying files again.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link

Hey @acidello,

Thank you for kindly taking the time out to share your findings.

I have forwarded this to the team for investigation, if there is anything else we can help with just let us know.