Original Post — Direct link

Don't know if it is an issue with Ice Cream being delivered or it is confused about something with the Fur (100 on island) But as you can see there is more than enough supply on the island.

  • I delivered 100 Fur by blimp to Manola, don't remember if it filled before fur, I attempted to remove the Fur back to the blimp, but it remained unchecked.
  • No Mods.
  • submitted the Save file to the support site

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @qqwwqqww10

I can see some issues with the stadium are due to be resolved in an upcoming patch so hopefully if it is the same issue then it will be solved then. If not, please give this a bump so we can confirm this is a different issue.