Original Post — Direct link

Update: So I think the next fuel station will start supplying, when more than 20 barns are in use, as in when 20+ farms with barns are up and running. So not exactly a bug, I guess, just something I thought was annoying personally, and thought was a bug. Feel free to remove this post if you feel like it.

So it seems like fuel stations can't route on the same road. Is this intended? The closest one is the only one which will be active, while the others, which are also in range of empty and running barns, just sit there. I have 26 barns in a setup, which therefore needs 2 fuel stations.
If I pause the closest/active fuel station, the second closest will activate. If I then un-pause the closest one again, the second closest one will then finish the routes currently running, but upon return, will stop working again.
It's in the new world, and the route is running over a bridge, should that be a necessary detail.

I try to showcase it in the video. I start recording a min or two after having un-paused the nearest and second nearest fuel station, to show the route ending for the fuel station furthest away. In the end of the video, where I un-pause to have all 3 "running", the two furthest away fuel stations will then stop supplying.

Video link:


I have uploaded my saved file, too: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11_uUZ9Vh7bm3KDjyIFa4RdSpL0eJeKWh/view?usp=sharing

Love the game!

Thank you, and best regards!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey there @jokkomtrono ,

Thank you for reaching out and for updating your post, we appreciate it!

I'm glad to see you've since been able to figure out.

I'll lock this thread from here on but if there's ever anything more we can help with, please get back in touch!