Original Post — Direct link
Hi there,

I wanted to start the game after a while today and it refuses to start without downloading a 2gb+ update that enables some sort of a DLC. I do not intend to buy any DLCs, so downloading 2gbs of resources is a waste of time and bandwidth for me.

Can someone please let me know how to get the game run as is (i.e. what I bought and what worked until now)?

Not providing an official solution to this issue would be a pretty strong incentive for some players to instead get a pirated cracked version of the game that does not refuse to start because some manager in Ubisoft needs some analytics metric to have higher numbers in order to get a fatter bonus.

Yes I mad.
almost 5 years ago - Ubi-Mullac - Direct link
Hey tifik2,

If I'm not mistaken you should be able to play without updating using Offline Mode:


However this update is also the free GU 8.0, with hotfixes, balance changes and other improvements.
almost 5 years ago - Ubi-Ginge - Direct link
Sorry for our delay in responding to you tifik2.
The error you posted usually suggests that one or more of the game files is corrupt/missing.
It could well be that the download is the Uplay making sure that the game is installed correctly.

Are you able to run the game offline after verifying the game in Uplay? (Please note that verifying the game will download any missing/corrupt files)