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AI ships that are on full health behave normally, they react to their surrounding by either avoiding enemies which are stronger, or by attacking enemies which are weaker, or by simply moving around Harbor Cannons so they stay outside of their range of fire.
This is all normal behavior. (except for the pirate ships right now which don't work at all and do nothing, but that's another topic).

However, for 2 years I have known about damaged AI ships sometimes getting stuck for apparently no reason, they always remained stuck until their health slowly regenerated back to 100% and then they would get unstuck and move on.
Today I think I have found out whats causing them to get stuck.

Whenever a damaged AI ship gets the command to "move to repair crane" it conflicts with avoid/flee behavior.
The only thing a damaged AI ship under the "go to repair crane" mode will do, is move to the repair crane in a perfectly strait line.
And this is where the issue happens, the ship will attempt to go in a strait line, but then when it encounters an enemy or a harbor cannon which it normally would avoid or flee away from, the ship instantly gets stuck and doesn't move, instead it constantly jerks around or makes jittery circle motions in the same spot.
So its getting 2 conflicting orders now, one is "move to repair crane" and other is "avoid/flee", which result in ship bugging.
This is speculation though, but I have a pretty good reason to come to this conclusion which you can see for yourself in the videos, because the moment I moved my cannons away the stuck AI ship began moving again, so clearly it was my cannons causing it to get stuck.

Plz fix, maybe ensure that the "avoid/flee" command gets higher priority than the "go to repair crane" command, now it seems like they both have exact same priority and cause this bug.

SAVEGAME 1 (stuck AI frigate): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Fe3EN5H_B1pzGCt5nAWID57vBah6Vw1J/view?usp=share_link
SAVEGAME 2 (stuck AI battlecruiser): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HeaIbUh-QF7Qznn_G1FwClNdVQuMY1qs/view?usp=share_link
(both saves are on vanilla 0 mods game)

yes the videos take a few minutes to look at, but I think its insightful to understand the issue.


almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Koya - Direct link

Hey @IIAc3sII !

Thank you for your investigation and the videos you provided!

I have passed your post to the relevant team.

If you have any others element or questions do not hesitate to reach out!