Original Post — Direct link
the "shift click" +- option not working while i am creating the trade route in the latest build...is there any other way to reserve a certain amount of goods to an island for ex i need to always maintain 50t of coffee on island "A" and created a trade route to transport 30t form island A to island B so here island A has total of 65t of coffe so the ship should load only 15t of coffee and unload that 15t coffee on island B
over 4 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally Posted by saikrishna000
the "shift click" +- option not working while i am creating the trade route in the latest build...is there any other way to reserve a certain amount of goods to an island for ex i need to always maintain 50t of coffee on island "A" and created a trade route to transport 30t form island A to island B so here island A has total of 65t of coffe so the ship should load only 15t of coffee and unload that 15t coffee on island B
Hey there,

Sorry to hear that the shift click solution isn't working for you.

The first thing I would advise would be to try the steps in this article.

I would particularly try the steps to verify your game files.

Just let us know if this doesn't help