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I completed pretty almost everything in the game, even successes and challenges.
But there is still one more thing I can't finish. I can not find Saint George's helm.

I tried so many things, read and watch so many tutorials and explications and spent countless hours trying to find it.
I swept every locations several times on the River Dee. This is the last item of the set I am missing.
When my foreign supplies are full, either the chests can not be opened with a message "you can not take more foreign supplies blabla" either it opens but I get nothing.

This is very irritating and it's getting ridiculous. Please find a way to fix this bug.

almost 4 years ago - UbiKobold - Direct link

@arathorn_toxik Hey there, and thanks for contacting us about not being able to obtain the Saint George's helm. I appreciate you letting me know what all you have tried, and am so sorry this is persisting. As you may know, the Helm should be able to be acquired in Deebury. If you open the chests without a full foreign supplies inventory, are you still unable to collect the Helm? If so, please provide a video from your gameplay that shows you opening the chests in Deebury. For a video, just post it to YouTube as unlisted and then send me the link here. Also, make sure the video shows how many foreign supplies you start with, before opening the chests in Deebury.

almost 4 years ago - UbiKobold - Direct link

@arathorn_toxik Hey there, and thanks for contacting us about not being able to obtain the Saint George's helm. I appreciate you letting me know what all you have tried, and am so sorry this is persisting. As you may know, the Helm should be able to be acquired in Deebury. If you open the chests without a full foreign supplies inventory, are you still unable to collect the Helm? If so, please provide a video from your gameplay that shows you opening the chests in Deebury. For a video, just post it to YouTube as unlisted and then send me the link here. Also, make sure the video shows how many foreign supplies you start with, before opening the chests in Deebury.

almost 4 years ago - UbiKobold - Direct link

@arathorn_toxik Thank you for providing this video, and I appreciate your patience! The video doesn't show any chests or enemies when you arrive in Deebury. Previously you mentioned that when you approach loot chests they either cannot be opened, or you get nothing. Are you now not seeing any chests when you raid? Also, as I have seen a decent amount of reports stating that players found the Helm in Deebury, I've recently watched a walkthrough video where another player found it in a chest in the location 'Forward Camp' on the Rivier Dee. Which is towards the southwest portion of your map. When you raid the Forward Camp, are you also not seeing any chests?

almost 4 years ago - UbiKobold - Direct link

@arathorn_toxik Thank you for providing this video, and I appreciate your patience! The video doesn't show any chests or enemies when you arrive in Deebury. Previously you mentioned that when you approach loot chests they either cannot be opened, or you get nothing. Are you now not seeing any chests when you raid? Also, as I have seen a decent amount of reports stating that players found the Helm in Deebury, I've recently watched a walkthrough video where another player found it in a chest in the location 'Forward Camp' on the Rivier Dee. Which is towards the southwest portion of your map. When you raid the Forward Camp, are you also not seeing any chests?

almost 4 years ago - UbiKobold - Direct link

@garbo3 Thank you for confirming! Arathorn_ToXiK, if you have not already checked the Forward Camp chests as well (while having space available in your inventory), I suggest trying this location as well.

almost 4 years ago - UbiKobold - Direct link

@garbo3 Thank you for confirming! Arathorn_ToXiK, if you have not already checked the Forward Camp chests as well (while having space available in your inventory), I suggest trying this location as well.

almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Thanks for the update, @Arathorn_ToXiK! I'm glad to hear that you've been able to find Saint George's Helm successfully!

Thanks @azullFR for sharing your advice and helping out! 😄

almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Thanks for the update, @Arathorn_ToXiK! I'm glad to hear that you've been able to find Saint George's Helm successfully!

Thanks @azullFR for sharing your advice and helping out! 😄

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there @Guisa_9!

I apologise for the delayed response. I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble locating pieces of the armour of Saint George. Thank you for letting us know which pieces you haven't been able to find. You should be able to find the pieces of the Saint George set in the various military camps along the River Dee. These are spoiler. Please note that location of the armour changes whenever you reset a River Raid, so they could be found in any of these camps at one time.

If you're unable to find any of the gear pieces after visiting all of the military camps in a single raid, please don't hesitate to update us so we can take a closer look. If you're able to provide a video which shows you visiting all of the military camps, but being unable to collect the Saint George armour from large chests in the area, this will be very helpful for further investigation.

Thanks! 😊

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there @Guisa_9!

I apologise for the delayed response. I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble locating pieces of the armour of Saint George. Thank you for letting us know which pieces you haven't been able to find. You should be able to find the pieces of the Saint George set in the various military camps along the River Dee. These are spoiler. Please note that location of the armour changes whenever you reset a River Raid, so they could be found in any of these camps at one time.

If you're unable to find any of the gear pieces after visiting all of the military camps in a single raid, please don't hesitate to update us so we can take a closer look. If you're able to provide a video which shows you visiting all of the military camps, but being unable to collect the Saint George armour from large chests in the area, this will be very helpful for further investigation.

Thanks! 😊