over 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @JulianMill thank you forreplying to us and trying this step.

These graphical issues could be caused by a number of things. To help narrow the cause down, could you please run through all the steps in this guide >

Should none of the steps work for you, I invite you to create a support case with us and upload your system files to your case, so we can continue this investigation and take a look at any hardware or software or drivers that could be causing this.

You can contact us using this link > https://www.ubisoft.com/help/contact

If you can send us the following files, that would help us to look into what may be causing this graphical issue >

Creating a Dxdiag file > https://ubi.li/msrxL
Creating a Msinfo file > https://ubi.li/lmiCE