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I've recently have had a blast playing the new assassin creed Valhalla. The game is super addicting.
Recently however I've ran into a consistent issues in game. I
am power 82, doing a raid in a 90 power zone. An out of nowhere, a power 160 zealot comes into the raid, and absolutley no hope to kill it, it kills me pretty much 1 shot on the normal difficulty.

An another one is one of the legendary animals in a power 90 zone. It is also 160 power.

Maybe it's something I don't understand yet, but as a gamer consumer. It's no fun to wait till I'm 160 power, to actually kill a boss that's in 90 power zone.

Like in assassiassins creed Odyssey, the legendary bosses, were all leveled and I could do them at that level I currently unlocked .Here however, I have to wait, cause it seems they're all maybe 160+?

I just don't understand and it can be very frustrating
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hey Eoshop welcome to the forums!

The new AC Valhalla forums our located here FYI - https://discussions.ubisoft.com/?lang=en-US

Please make sure to post you feedback there wink wink