Original Post — Direct link

Das Item beschreibt sich wie folgt:
"Wohngebäude deren Bedürfnis nach Wirtshaus erfüllt ist erhalten Wurt, Brot, Bier und Kirche." Warum sinkt dann der Bestand an Wurst, Brot und Bier? Ist er bei Null ziehen die Handwerker aus. Das war vor dem Update "Aufstieg der Neuen Welt" nicht so!

Bug? Bin ich der Einzige?

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Hey @Viper4877 🙂

Here on this forum, we at Ubisoft Support can only help in English. This is because we prefer to avoid automatic translation tools if we can, since they can lead to misunderstandings. Instead, we feel it is best for players to speak to our support agents (and other players) who speak their preferred language.

For support with Anno 1800 in German, please follow this link: https://www.ubisoft.com/de-de/help/contact
Or to speak with Ubisoft Support and other players in, please follow this link: https://discussions.ubisoft.com/category/646/anno-1800?lang=de

If you'd prefer to continue here on the forum in English, that's fine too - just translate your post for us 🙂

Many thanks to @MGuenny for responding as well 🙂
