Original Post — Direct link


I am playing Anno 1800 (without any mods). The game runs perfectly fine until an amount of time it randomly crashes to desktop, getting the window with "Oh no, it crashed! asking me to send crash report. I did sent those reports, but no answer till now. I have only the base game, Ubisoft Connect is up to date, updates are up to date, reinstalled the game. When I checked in the launcher_log I see "ERROR   DataOverlay.cpp (109) Overlay with pid: #random_number not found".

I couldn't find anything that would solve my problem.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

about 2 years ago - Ubi-LadyBlue - Direct link

Hello there @UweBollMaster!

My apologies that you're seeing these random crashes and for the delay in my response.

Given the amount of time that's passed, please disregard anything else you've tried on your own since you posted. If you're still experiencing them, I'd recommend trying to make sure you have your launcher(s) installed on the same drive as your game and clearing your Ubisoft Connect cache. Run through anything not completed from this quick troubleshooting guide and should that fail to resolve them, please go ahead and create a support case with your system files attached. Afterward, update me here and I'll use those to take a closer look at what could be causing them.