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Is there any way for me to cheat kill ships or cheat an alliance with her?
Stupid WIlly decided its a good idea to start war and just because i clicked the x to close the window and check if he has any ships left to support me, the game took it as me siding with willy and thus beryl was at war with me. Litterally not even a minute before that i had paid beryl 20k for an alliance. Now my ships are being killed in 3 worlds, trade routes being blocked and in exchange i have a stupid willy with 2 small boats on my side.
Again my question, can i cheat to resolve this? Anything from a cheated alliance to exploding her ships? Iam gonna be perfectly honest here, i play this game a very certain way and this simply destroyed the entire game for me right now.

I would very much appreciate a change to that
clicking the x should NEVER do ANYTHING. It means STOP , DONT , NO and not YES GO TO WAR
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hello GeilerHengst36, welcome to the forum.

I am moving this to general discussion section of the forum as this is more of a gameplay advice question, hopefully one of our players or the community team will be able to give you some tips!