Original Post — Direct link

Hi everyone at the Anno Dev Team!

I cannot be sure if this is intended or not: the new item, added with GU15, "Poetry Subscription" (ID 104518) increases mail consumption (downside) along with a "relatively low" upside of +10 Happiness.

I was wondering if this behaviour was intended, given that the same bonus can be already provided without negative effects (and actually along with other positive bonuses) by other Epic Town Hall items such as "Assembly Hall of Blissful Joy and Tireless Labour", or "Elliot 'Blitz', the Security Engineer". Another feature which makes me wonder this is the fact that the effect "Provided Needs" always appears in negative percentages, indicating reduced consumption, and this would be the first time that the effect appears in this way. So, not "providing needs" but actually "requiring" more.

Let me know if I can be helpful with further insight/material. As always I verified files before reproducing the behaviour.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Ciel - Direct link

Hey there @Acidello,

I understand that the Item Poetry Subscription increases the consumption of mail. After looking into this, I can confirm that this behaviour is intended 😊