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In first game I cleared all factory building waste then I done with that game with silver level, then next new game, I hope to pass gold level, but new island still had those factory building waste? They said when cleaned out waste factory building, it's should not be there in next game as make easier to winning gold level but most are still on island in new game, only few are still already clear due past game? Only thing I had carry over is legendary items but not less then legendary item are not carry over? I recalled they said any item you crafted will get carry over, but seem not all of it?

It's not good design for timer quest, like one old power plant to clear out take about 1 and half hours or so, similar to time build dam in 1 and half hours, and gold quest timer don't gave you lot of time, it's ok for silver and less since it's didn't had time, but not good design for gold quest timer, it's make no sense when one need to clear out in 1 and half hours at same time build dam in 1 and half hour to get done in less than 2 hours gold level, but it's no issues when I don't had to clear again in next game but seem it's all over again, mostly of waste plant or factory still need to clear out in timer and lot of worker.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey there guys,

Thanks for adding your advice here, appreciate it!

@Humility925 - checking in to see if you're still having issues and if so, could you please capture and share a clip of your island and it's waste behaviours so we can take a closer look?

Thank you!