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1: When airships are traveling along trade routes, upon approaching the border of a map to transit to another, they slow down to a complete stop before continuing and leaving the area. Obviously this generally increases how long it takes for a round trip on the route, but it also give attacking ships ~15 more seconds to attack and destroy said airship. (Own airships / experienced in company coop multiplayer)

2: When patrolling AI airships are attacked by Flak Monitors, instead of fleeing, they tend to stop and just wait to die. If they are on a trade route, escorting a trade route ship/airship, idle, or already targeting and following/attacking something, they do not stop in this bugged way. Either by fleeing (usually) or by retaliating. (AI airships / experienced in company coop multiplayer)

3: Airships attacking Sky Trading Posts and Ships attacking several land buildings and attempting to attack Sky Trading post. AI companies are currently able to attack several normal land buildings. So far have seen the following attacked. Enbasa Marketplace, Enbasa Clay Collector or Path Bridge, both seem to be hit. Possibly a warehouse in Old World and Sky Trading Posts in Arctic Plateaus. (AI airships attacking player base and other AI Sky Trading Posts / experienced in company coop multiplayer)

3.5: After a ship hit a Path Bridge in Enbasa, the occasional message would appear stating there were ruins on the island. Selecting the message would centre the camera on the bridge. Bridge looked and acted fine. After third message, destroyed and replaced bridge, messages no longer appeared.

4: Ships getting stuck trying to attack something they can't reach. So far only seen when attempting to attack Sky Trading Post.

5 Four Alicanto set to escorting a Quetzalcoatl that was stationary at the time. AI sent 3 of their own Alicanto to attack. They targeted the closest of my Alicanto and as a result stopped outside the attack range of the others. Allowing them to do major damage to one before i manually moved the other to assist. (AI airships / experienced in company coop multiplayer)

5.5: Also they were atttacking from outside view range, in the returning fog on the Arctic shelf. If they can attack at that range, they should be able to reveal that far.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link


Thanks for the reports. I would suggest though to create separate threads for each issue you wish to report though, as it is easier to have conversations about specific issues in 1 thread rather than multiple things in 1 thread and also helps determine how many people are being affected or noticing something. Long threads of text also can put players off reading the thread and if they don't know what the thread is specifically about from the title, are less likely to click on it and see what you reported.