Original Post — Direct link
Hello! And yes, this seems to be my third topic about this error.

When a factory explosion occurs, the pop-up message contains incorrect text. Usually there is text from the previous message. For example, that the game is saved or a holiday is taking place somewhere or something else. But at the same time, the icon is correct, as well as the voice correctly notifies about the explosion. By clicking on this message, I am transported to the place of the explosion. In the event log, the text already looks fine.

I finally managed to capture this bug step by step.

First time I got message about exposion. In the text of this message, the attractiveness of one of the cities has decreased.
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When I clicked on the message, I moved to the explosion site. (pop-up message text is still incorrect)
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I opened the event log and the text is correct.
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about 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by S_Kleer
Hello! And yes, this seems to be my third topic about this error.

When a factory explosion occurs, the pop-up message contains incorrect text. Usually there is text from the previous message. For example, that the game is saved or a holiday is taking place somewhere or something else. But at the same time, the icon is correct, as well as the voice correctly notifies about the explosion. By clicking on this message, I am transported to the place of the explosion. In the event log, the text already looks fine.

I finally managed to capture this bug step by step.

First time I got message about exposion. In the text of this message, the attractiveness of one of the cities has decreased.

When I clicked on the message, I moved to the explosion site. (pop-up message text is still incorrect)

I opened the event log and the text is correct.

Thank you for your report, I'm sure these images will be a huge help.

The images don't appear to be working currently and manually following the drive link brings me to an error. Can you please double check the images are still there, and we would have read-only permissions?