Original Post — Direct link

Not much has changed since I played River Raids yesterday.
Here I documented the last time I got Foreign Supplies.
You can check my cloud saves.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there,

Thank you for continuing to share your reports regarding the exhausted foreign supplies. As shared by @bielik01, a hot fix for this issue was released 30 July, 2021.


You may need to restart our game in order to activate this fix.

If you are still encounter trouble with your progress bar filling up completely after completing all of the festival tasks, please can you check out our ongoing Megathread for this issue? This will be the best place to get the most up-to-date information and updates from this investigation.

@ImaginaryRuins & @JamesLogan491 - Thanks for your suggestions about the ability to sell excess foreign supplies, or to exchange them for alternative resources. We've passed on this feedback to the dedicated team for further consideration. If this feature is to be added to the game, this information will be available in the News & Announcements forum via patch notes and updates.

@xdigit & @catyeahz - Please can you check out the Megathread I've linked above? It sounds like the issue you're encountering with the progress bar is being investigated further in this Megathread.

@Drochita - Can you please clarify what you're 300 supplies short of? Are you missing foreign supplies from River Raids, or supplies that are required to upgrade the settlement?

If you're missing supplies to upgrade your settlement with, we're aware of an issue wherein players were only granted silver from small chests throughout the world. You can follow the investigation into this issue in this Megathread.

Thanks! 😊

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there,

Thank you for continuing to share your reports regarding the exhausted foreign supplies. As shared by @bielik01, a hot fix for this issue was released 30 July, 2021.


You may need to restart our game in order to activate this fix.

If you are still encounter trouble with your progress bar filling up completely after completing all of the festival tasks, please can you check out our ongoing Megathread for this issue? This will be the best place to get the most up-to-date information and updates from this investigation.

@ImaginaryRuins & @JamesLogan491 - Thanks for your suggestions about the ability to sell excess foreign supplies, or to exchange them for alternative resources. We've passed on this feedback to the dedicated team for further consideration. If this feature is to be added to the game, this information will be available in the News & Announcements forum via patch notes and updates.

@xdigit & @catyeahz - Please can you check out the Megathread I've linked above? It sounds like the issue you're encountering with the progress bar is being investigated further in this Megathread.

@Drochita - Can you please clarify what you're 300 supplies short of? Are you missing foreign supplies from River Raids, or supplies that are required to upgrade the settlement?

If you're missing supplies to upgrade your settlement with, we're aware of an issue wherein players were only granted silver from small chests throughout the world. You can follow the investigation into this issue in this Megathread.

Thanks! 😊

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there,

As the Sigrblot Festival has ended in-game and this issue no longer persists, we will now be locking this thread.

If you encounter any further trouble with any other in-game festivals, please don't hesitate to create a new thread so we can investigate further.

Thanks! 😊