Original Post — Direct link

I'm a little bit confused about a problem i'm having in Anno1800 and i'm unsure how to resolve it. Whilst it's not game breaking, it's very inconvenient with upgrades.


Every time i load my game, the residence tiers are locked as if i'm starting a new game (see screenshot)

This has only been a problem since I enabled the new DLC (Enbesa) when it was first released within an existing save


over 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hey Takingsides, sorry to hear this and thanks for posting about it in the forums.

As you have enabled the new DLC on your current save, could you try verifying your game files first as this can often fix a multitude of problems and synch problems with the game -

Next if this doesnt not fix this issue in game and unlock the tiers, are you able to load up a previous manual or autosave that was saved before you enabled the new DLC as a test, then enable the DLC when prompted and see if the issue repeats itself?

Here is where you can usually find your saves - Documents\Anno 1800\Accounts\\\BarnabySmudge1.A7S (Example)