Original Post — Direct link
Hello, does anyone have the oil suckers showing up but when clicking on transmutation on ship or air ship, those oil suckers are not appearing. See image below as example. It happens in Bright of Harvest. Please advise, is this a bug or something news that I need to unlocked as I play.

over 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by July4_Hamster
Hello, does anyone have the oil suckers showing up but when clicking on transmutation on ship or air ship, those oil suckers are not appearing. See image below as example. It happens in Bright of Harvest. Please advise, is this a bug or something news that I need to unlocked as I play.

Hey there!

Sorry to hear you're having issues! This doesn't appear to be a known bug.

Please give the steps in our guide a try and let us know if they resolve the issue.

Thank you!