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I been reading a bit and watching videos on anno 1800 to see how it compares to previous anno games. Anno 2070 was my favorite so far. Sandbox play with the bonus of them being connected by that mobile base thingy. ( sorry forgot the name ) Only down side is it lost the map editor that 1701 had. But I really did not miss it given to custom options for maps in 2070.

2205 scared me away from the series as it seemed to force a more linear path. I barely played it due to lack of custom choices. Just felt like a sad attempt to combine the campaign with a sandbox.

So far Anno 1800 seems to be a bit like 2205 but I have heard about the sandbox mode and that gives me some hope. I just cant tell how custom it is compared to campaign mode and how the DLCs ties in to sandbox mode compared campaign mode.

Does it feel at all like 2205?

Am I going to miss out on any DLC goodies playing in sandbox?

Is the gold package worth it?
about 5 years ago - UbiCosmos - Direct link
Hello Quor321,

Welcome to the forums! I would recommend checking out some YouTube videos, or the Anno Wiki to see what the DLC is like. That way, you may be able to make a better more informed decision, and see if it is something that you would enjoy.

Happy gaming!