Original Post — Direct link

I have the game and all of the dlc's. When I load a save I can play for several minutes but then the game crashes to desktop with no warnings. I start a new game and the game crashes to desktop with no warnings.

I have tried to verify the files and see if that works. Still doesn't work the game crashes to desktop constantly.

Uninstalling and reinstalling doesn't change anything. The game still crashes to desktop constantly.

I am not sure what else to do to fix the issue.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-LadyBlue - Direct link

Hello @littlezyro22!

I’m sorry you’re running into all of these crashes and weren’t able to get it resolved with the troubleshooting you tried on your own. In this case, I’d recommend that you make sure your Ubisoft Connect launcher and game are installed on the same drive, then try running through any steps you didn’t complete on your own from our basic troubleshooting guide and clearing your Ubisoft Connect cache

Should the issue persist after that, I'd recommend starting a support case with us and attaching your system files. Please update me on this thread after you've done so and let me know when these crashes started happening and whether they occur on different save files as well, and I'll be happy to take a closer look.