Original Post — Direct link

Waha Desher's chief wants to buys two frigates, but when I send those ships to his warehouse, nothing happens, and the control keys stay grey. It is possible to sell clippers and shooners, but the chief still want frigates. I thought the new update will resolve this bug, but no. I play french langage version.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by Galdar1961

Waha Desher's chief wants to buys two frigates, but when I send those ships to his warehouse, nothing happens, and the control keys stay grey. It is possible to sell clippers and shooners, but the chief still want frigates. I thought the new update will resolve this bug, but no. I play french langage version.
Hey there Galdar1961

Thank you for reporting this, this doesn't appear to yet be a known issue.

So we can discuss this with the game team, would it be possible to provide a clip demonstrating this in-game?

Much appreciated!