Original Post — Direct link
I've completed the Wedding Horns mission and Oswald has been installed as king of East Anglia, but when I return to Raventhorpe and check the Alliance Map it is not showing up as completed. Is this a bug or are there further missions required to complete?
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by vbhokie94
I've completed the Wedding Horns mission and Oswald has been installed as king of East Anglia, but when I return to Raventhorpe and check the Alliance Map it is not showing up as completed. Is this a bug or are there further missions required to complete?

I'd first like to mention that this is the Anno 1800 forums. In future for AC Valhalla issues, please refer to our new forum here: https://discussions.ubisoft.com/

Our team are currently investigating an issue where after completing the pledge for East Anglia, players are unable to interact with Randvi. I believe this is the same issue you are facing.

We hope to have more information on this soon!