Original Post — Direct link

I've already wasted four hours trying to get this thing to run, but it simply won't launch.
When I try to start the game it shows the small window synching saves, achievements etc, then the window closes and simply nothing happens.
Reinstalled the game, reinstalled Ubisoft Connect, rebooted PC, checked game file, tried dozens of tips from forums. Nothing.

Somewhere it said that some RTX graphics card may have trouble running the game, but without any hints or tips how to make it run. Support Chat is of course also not available.
I've already wasted way too much of my precious time trying to fix this, now I either demand a working solution or a full refund, as it is not my fault that the game does not run.

Windows 10
Ryzen 2700X
RTX 3060 Ti

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @moeri271

We are aware of an issue where Anno 1800 will not launch with some Nvidia graphics cards on certain resolutions. 

The issue was identified for Nvidia RTX 2070 and 2080 with 1080p and 1440p resolutions in conjunction with DirectX 12.

We are currently investigating the issue but that's the only graphics cards we are aware of it happening with and a workaround is to launch the game with DirectX 11 instead, so maybe this will also help with yours.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey there @moeri271,

Just checking in to see how you're getting on?